“The Rajasaab” unfolds in a secluded mansion nestled amidst mist-covered hills. Legend has it that the mansion harbors a dark secret—a curse that binds lovers across lifetimes. Our protagonist, played by Prabhas, stumbles upon this eerie abode during a road trip. His life takes an unexpected turn as he encounters the enigmatic Malavika Mohanan, who seems both alluring and dangerous.
Release Date | 2024 |
Genre | Horror, Romance |
Cast | Prabhas, Malavika Mohanan, Niddhi Agerwal, Riddhi Kumar |
Director | Maruthi Dasari |
Producer | TG Vishwa Prasad |
Production | People Media Factory |
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- Prabhas: The charismatic lead actor who has enthralled audiences with his powerful performances in previous blockbusters.
- Sanjay Dutt: The seasoned veteran, known for his intense portrayals, adds depth to the film.
- Malavika Mohanan: A rising star, her presence promises a blend of elegance and emotion.
- Nidhhi Agerwal: A fresh face, poised to make a mark in the industry.
- Brahmanandam: The legendary comedian, bringing laughter to the eerie proceedings.
- Riddhi Kumar: A talented actress, her role remains shrouded in mystery.
“The Rajasaab” unfolds in a secluded mansion nestled amidst mist-covered hills. Legend has it that the mansion harbors a dark secret—a curse that binds lovers across lifetimes. Our protagonist, played by Prabhas, stumbles upon this eerie abode during a road trip. His life takes an unexpected turn as he encounters the enigmatic Malavika Mohanan, who seems both alluring and dangerous.
As their paths intertwine, the past resurfaces—a tragic love story from centuries ago. Sanjay Dutt, in a dual role, portrays the doomed lover who once inhabited the mansion. His love for a mysterious woman (Nidhhi Agerwal) led to betrayal, revenge, and an eternal curse.
With a budget of 35 crore rupees, “The Rajasaab” aims to create a visual spectacle. The production team, led by People Media Factory, has spared no expense in recreating the eerie mansion and its haunting surroundings. The film’s cinematography, handled by Karthik Palani, promises to be a visual treat.
Anticipation is high, and industry experts predict a worldwide gross of around 40.6 crore rupees. The film’s unique blend of horror and romance has piqued audience curiosity. If executed well, “The Rajasaab” could surpass expectations.
The film draws inspiration from Henry David Thoreau’s transcendentalist philosophy. Just as Thoreau sought solitude in nature, our characters grapple with their inner demons within the mansion’s walls. The film explores themes of love, fate, and redemption—a departure from typical Bollywood fare.
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